Laura McGrath
Independent Director
Laura McGrath serves as an Independent Director at Calderwood, where she accepts appointments on the boards of investment funds and related structures and advises on corporate governance and regulatory compliance. She has spent over twenty years as US hedge fund counsel and eighteen years as a director on Cayman Islands fund boards.

Laura is an accomplished board chairperson, attorney, and business executive who brings a rare blend of operational, legal, compliance, and business management expertise to board leadership positions. She has 25 years of experience in the financial services industry, almost all of that time specifically in hedge and other private investment fund services.

Prior to acting as an Independent Director with Calderwood, Laura served on the boards of various Cayman and Ireland-based private funds, alongside holding Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel positions for a US-based hedge fund manager and SEC-registered investment advisor.  Laura was also previously President and Principal of a FINRA member broker-dealer, and for fifteen years, she held regulatory Chief Compliance Officer roles for these companies. She is known as a practical leader, leveraging her combination of US fund management and Cayman Islands directorship experience to make sound and balanced business decisions.

Laura earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Virginia and her Juris Doctor degree from the University of Richmond. She is a member of the Virginia State Bar, American Bar Association and holds FINRA Licenses 7, 24, 31, and 66 (unaffiliated). Laura is a dual citizen of the US and Luxembourg, and a Registered Professional Director with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority.